Tuesday, January 26th 2016

smell is
more real
than sight

Dillo Fenderson

Monday, January 25th 2016

the car in the parking lot is a sign
that no persian equivalent to the devil
has come to get his soul yet


it can't be long
before “sorry” will be
marked as archaic

Dillo Fenderson

Sunday, January 24th 2016

zur Not
trinkt die Katze
auch Wasser

Dillo Fenderson

Friday, January 22nd 2016

the big decision
shouldn't be the last thing
of the game

Dillo Fenderson

contrary to first impressions
Austria is not
part of Japan

Dillo Fenderson

in public transport
the minute is a stretchable,
extremely vague concept


Thursday, January 21st 2016

it's the most
beautyful place
to get killed

Mrs. Bigglesworth

Wednesday, January 20th 2016

if it's good for nothing information
you find it on the internet,
otherwise - good luck


Ob ich davor stehe oder nicht
ist eine Frage
des Standortes

Dillo Fenderson