June 2012
Monday, June 4th 2012

i'm not blessed with
finding a single spot
without wind


apart from the appalling
stench, i've been alone
in the restroom


Das gibt's heut' nicht mehr --
feinste Installateurskunst:
Dusche mit Bauchnabelspülung.


a stress test
for patience
and understanding

Dillo Fenderson

Sunday, June 3rd 2012

ich muss wohl zugeben
dass es in los angeles
doch eine sonne gibt


I just built
my first
memory palace

Dillo Fenderson

Saturday, June 2nd 2012

now that I have what I wanted
I'm no longer sure
that I want it

Dillo Fenderson

in los angeles gibts
ein meer, das mit der sonne
ist ein gerücht


every person on board
had a steel knife and
nothing happened


Friday, June 1st 2012

the weather's
trying to keep
me fat

Dillo Fenderson