Dillo Fenderson, 2018
Sunday, July 22nd 2018

the eye in
the tennis ball
is watching me

Dillo Fenderson

Saturday, July 21st 2018

fast drivers
should avoid

Dillo Fenderson

winning only is fun
against someone
who hates losing

Dillo Fenderson

Friday, July 20th 2018

in case of emergency
your phone
becomes unusable

Dillo Fenderson

Tuesday, July 17th 2018

panoramic view
of the
nuclear power plant

Dillo Fenderson

global warming
has ruined
cold water

Dillo Fenderson

Monday, July 16th 2018

this table
has an
identity crisis

Dillo Fenderson

Saturday, July 14th 2018

gilt auch
für's Wasser

Dillo Fenderson

yesterday's pillow
stole a big part
of today's

Dillo Fenderson

Friday, July 13th 2018

I really hope
I misheard
"recycle lunch"

Dillo Fenderson