Dillo Fenderson, July 2013
Wednesday, July 10th 2013

is made easy
by the smell

Dillo Fenderson

Tuesday, July 9th 2013

tattooed black eye brows
and bleached blond hair
demonstrate forethought

Dillo Fenderson

his upper arm
is as wide as
the child's torso

Dillo Fenderson

im Auge

Dillo Fenderson

Monday, July 8th 2013

It's a queue, mom.
We're in bloody Britain,
what'd you expect?

Dillo Fenderson

Sunday, July 7th 2013

this restaurant
wouldn't last a week

Dillo Fenderson

the button
for the crockodile
is in its stomach

Dillo Fenderson

I though
I was lost
he said smiling

Dillo Fenderson

the bible is
a bad substitute
for a wall outlet

Dillo Fenderson

Saturday, July 6th 2013

seventy percent
of way too little
is not enough

Dillo Fenderson